Saturday, April 25, 2015

How to download iPhone Voice Memos to your computer

I was trying to copy an iPhone voice memo to my Windows 7 computer today.  I literally tried for hours using iTunes, which I've successfully done before (with some effort).  I couldn't get it working today.  Instead, I tried a freeware utility called iFunbox, and it worked great.  Download it here:

There's also a MacOS version.

Once iFunbox is downloaded and installed, choose the "File Browser" tab at the top, and expand the "Voice Memos" option.  If there are no voice memos, then try going into iTunes, plug in your iPhone to your computer, choose the phone icon (after the music note, movie, TV show, and ellipsis icon at the top), and choose "Settings" | "Music", and make sure that "Include voice memos" is checked.  Then run iFunbox.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How to Install LiveSplit on 64-bit Fedora 20 Linux

1) Download the latest LiveSplit from here:

2) install wine:

yum install wine

3) Download winetricks

chmod a+x winetricks

4) Setup a 32-bit wine prefix:

sudo su
export WINEARCH="win32"
wineboot -u

5) sudo su
winetricks dotnet40

6) unzip

6) Run LiveSplit

sudo su
wine ./LiveSplit.exe