Friday, November 8, 2013

How to require password authentication for Apache Solr 4 and Jetty

Some of the documentation in the Solr wiki is outdated, so here's what worked for me.  In the following files, you can change the highlighted fields.

Edit /opt/solr/etc/jetty.xml and add the following:


    <Call name="addBean">
        <New class="">
          <Set name="name">Test Realm</Set>
          <Set name="config"><SystemProperty name="jetty.home" default="."/>/etc/</Set>
          <Set name="refreshInterval">0</Set>



Edit  /opt/solr/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml and add the following:

      <web-resource-name>Solr authenticated application</web-resource-name>

    <realm-name>Test Realm</realm-name>



Create a file in /opt/solr/etc/ and put the following in it:

admin: yourPasswordHere,core1-role

You can change "admin" to whatever username you want.

For the password, you can either use the literal password, or use an OBF/MD5/CRYPT hash.  To create a hash, you can do the following:

cd /opt/solr
java -cp /lib/jetty-util-8.1.10.v20130312.jar admin yourPasswordHere

The above utility will print out the hash to the screen, and you can chose either the OBF, MD5, or CRYPT line.  Make sure that you copy the entire line, including the "OBF:..." part.  Copy this line to the /opt/solr/etc/ file; the result will look something like this:

admin: OBF:1x1v1xmk1w9b1pyh1oq31uum1xtv1zej1zer1xtn1uvk1or71pw51w8f1xmq1x0r

The above is all in one line.  No line break.  Make sure you put the comma before the "core1-role".

After you've changed everything, restart the solr server.  If you're using Fedora, do this:

sudo /sbin/service restart

Then open up your web browser to http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection1/query and the web browser should ask you for a password.  Enter admin for the user name and yourPasswordHere for the password.

Hint: if you get an error on the Solr admin webpage, you can check the log for warning messages.  The log file is here: /opt/solr/logs/solr.log

More info:


Unknown said...

Hi Matthew,

works as described.

tested on SOLR 4.7.0

Thank you.

Matthew said...

Great, glad it worked!

owlapps said...

ist possible to not have to log in if the ip address is localhost or, etc ?

Arun Verma said...

Hi Matthew,
Thanks a lot man. Worked perfectly.

Do you have anything for hardening of Solr server so that unnecessary services can be stopped or its performance can be imporved further?
If yes, please share.


Matthew said...

No sorry, I haven't done anything with that yet, but if I do, I'll post it on my blog.

Unknown said...

My solr admin is not accepting password. I exactly follow what is said but when I open solr admin in browser, login popup appeared but it does not accept my user name and password

wildboar said...

Hi, Hafiz Shafiq

I met the same problem when I put the realm file under /etc/

Make sure you put under /opt/solr/etc/


Matthew said...

I haven't tried this recently, so perhaps newer versions of Solr 4 are different. I have played with Solr 5, but I haven't tried these instructions with Solr 5 yet.

Unknown said...

Hi Matthew

I see that you've been recently testing Solr 5.x and was wondering if you have figured out how to secure it yet.

I tried applying the instructions here on my 5.x install but can't get it working.

Any tips appreciated

thank you

Matthew said...

Hi Colin,

Thanks for reading some of my Solr blog entries. Sorry for the delay in the reply. I haven't worked on getting password authentication working with Solr 5 yet, so I don't have any tips for that. What you could do, is put your Solr 5 server on its own private network (i.e. not on the Internet), and have your web server on the internet, and also have that web server on the same private network as the Solr 5 server. Then you can sleep at night knowing that your Solr 5 server isn't accessible to anything except the web sever.


Sagar RAutray said...

u r the man, the machine,
its work for me

Socio said...

Hi, Hafiz Shafiq

I had the same problem as you. You can try to check the file name "" because the name of my file was "".

Unknown said...

Anyone tried with Solr 5.2.1? Can´t get it working, everytime while tying i get 503 service unavailable :(

Unknown said...

Not reuqired any more

Unknown said...

Could you please explain that? I know that in 5.3 authentication will be implemented, but in 5.2.1?

Craig said...
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Unknown said...


I am using solr 5.3.0.

Can anyone help me out to achieve authetication for this version.

Thanks in advance.

Subin Alex said...

Thanks a lot mathew...
It worked...:)

Ankit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Great article.. worked beautifully

Tested on solr 5.3.1

Ajeeb.K.P said...

That helped me in installing Solr for Django-oscar.

Unknown said...


I am doing the same but it's giving 404 error.

Pradeep Shukla said...

Use URl below for Sitecore Setting.